The Lead! plan is based on a short-term vision and makes no sense in industrial terms. Employees are already paying for past choices and will once again suffer the consequences of the drive for maximum profitability.

This is not inevitable. In 2022 and 2023, the work of employees will have generated sales of €59 billion and €65 billion respectively. We have a legitimate say in the company’s choices.


(nothing is written in advance, let’s impose the alternative)


Let’s discuss these prospects for our company collectively, in relation to the national context of 1 October. Just like Boeing employees!

Come along to the Union Information Meeting!

Thursday 26 September 1pm to 2.30pm

Saint Martin M01 – NS15 (basement)


Trade union information is a right open to all employees

(whether union members or not)!

RIS hours are included in working time.

If you wish to take part in the meeting during your working time, you must notify myHR of the meeting no later than the day before (25 September).


For several months now, Airbus management has been communicating in the press and internally about the problems encountered by the space division and the difficulties in meeting delivery targets in all its divisions.

These difficulties are not coming from nowhere. They are entirely attributable to his decisions, particularly since the COVID period! An inadequate recruitment policy and excessive recourse to subcontracting and temporary staff are making it impossible to maintain the valuable expertise that is essential if we are to deliver on time. In the space industry, lack of investment and reckless risk-taking have destabilised airbus’ programmes.

Faced with these difficulties, the response is once again the same: slash budgets, cut R&D and investment to compensate for the uncertain costs of space programmes and further increase aeronautical profits. This is irresponsible! In its quest for maximum short-term profitability, management is sacrificing our working conditions, increasing our workloads and jeopardising the Group’s future by destroying know-how. But when it comes to finding €500 million in cash to buy back shares, that’s no longer a problem. It’s just unacceptable!

Airbus must not follow Boeing’s example; other choices are possible.


The airbus group is doing very well! 

Profits have reached record levels in the last two years, and forecasts for 2024 are at the same level. The aircraft order book is full for the next ten years. Airbus has more than enough resources to cope with its difficulties.

If shareholders are there to take risks, let them finally assume their responsibilities instead of demanding ever higher profitability! Their appetite for excessive margins is jeopardising the future of the group and of our employment areas.

The CGT is calling for a different way of organising work that puts people first, and for recruitment to permanent jobs, particularly at sites where massive use of overtime is becoming the norm.


Let’s unite to defend our jobs, our working conditions and our future!

On 1st October, the CGT is calling for a day of action by all employees in France for jobs, better working conditions and pay rises. Let’s also make this a day of demands at Airbus to fight against management’s counter-productive plans.


The Airbus Commercial Aircraft CGT union


Suscribe to CGT union

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